Honest mistakes and manual actions #AskGooglebot

Honest mistakes and manual actions #AskGooglebot

Honest mistakes & manual actions #AskGooglebot

Everyone makes mistakes. In this episode of AskGooglebot, John Mueller explains the two ways Google deals with honest mistakes when it comes to webmaster guidelines and spam rules. This question was submitted by Ashraf Masadeh. Thank you!

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Useful links :
Guidelines for webmasters → https://goo.gle/3HfyU1q
Report on manual actions → https://goo.gle/35D0PKK

Google Search Central on Twitter → https://goo.gle/searchc-tw

Watch more episodes of AskGooglebot → https://goo.gle/2OjWcvS
Subscribe to the Google Search Central channel → https://goo.gle/SearchCentral

#SearchConsole #SEO #AskGooglebot

Full name: John Mueller ;


Thanks for reading, see you at the next blog!

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